

Faedah Bersukan

Bersukan merupakan aktiviti riadah yang dapat mengeluarkan peluh daripada tubuh badan kita. Malah, kerajaan menggalakkan rakyatnya sentiasa melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti sukan.Hal ini kerana melalui bersukan banyak faedah yang kita peroleh.

            Salah satu daripada faedahnya ialah dapat menyihatkan tubuh badan.Apabila kita berakreasi seperti berbasikal,bermain badminton dan sebagainya,badan akan mengeluarkan peluh dan berlaku pembakaran lemak dalam tubuh kita.Kesannya, badan kita menjadi sihat dan cergas serta tidak berasa lesu ketika belajar di dalam kelas.

            Seterusnya, melalui bersukan kita dapat mengeratkan hubungan dan menambah kenalan. Kita dapat berkenalan dengan sesiapa sahaja tidak mengira umur, bangsa mahupun agama. Kebiasaannya, ketika kita berjoging di taman-taman, kita akan bertegur sapa dengan individu yang berada di kawasan itu. Hal ini akan mengeratkan hubungan dan perpaduan antara kaum dapat dipupuk.

            Selain itu, bersukan juga merupakan aktiviti mengisi masa lapang secara bermanfaat.Sesi latihan  permainan atau beriadah biasanya dijalankan ketika waktu lapang.Kesibukan kita menyertai sesi latihan dan beriadah dapat menghidarkan diri daripada terjebak dalam gejala sosial.

            Di samping itu, dengan bersukan kita dapat mengharumkan nama sekolah.Sekiranya kita berbakat dalam bidang sukan, kita akan dapat mewakili pasukan sekolah,daerah, negeri mahupun negara.Apabila kita berjaya memenangi mana-mana kejohanan sukan, maka kita telah berjaya mengharumkan nama sekolah.Nama kita juga kian dikenali dan rezeki makin bertambah.

        Kesimpulannya, tiada menjadi kerugian jika kita aktif bersukan.Marilah kita bersama-sama menyahut seruan kerajaan untuk menjadikan rakyat Malaysia masyarakat yang cerdas dan cergas.

Faedah Menyertai Aktiviti Kokurikulum

Kegiatan kokurikulum ialah aktiviti di luar bilik darjah. Terdapat banyak jenis kegiatan kokurikulum di sekolah. Kegiatan tersebut termasuklah aktiviti badan beruniform, kelab dan persatuan serta sukan dan permainan. Semua pelajar digalakkan menyertai kegiatan kokurikulum mendatangkan banyak faedah.

     Antara faedah kegiatan kokurikulum ialah dapat mengisi masa lapang. Dengan menyertai aktiviti kokurikulum, kita tiada masa untuk bergaul dengan budak-budak nakal atau kacang hantu.Secara tidak langsung akan dapat menghindari diri kita daripada terjebak dengan gajala sosial. Contohnya, jika kita aktif dalam bidang sukan, kita akan berlatih setiap petang. Oleh itu, kegiatan kokurikulum dapat mengisi masa lapang dengan berfaedah.

     Selain itu, kegiatan kokurikulum juga dapat melatih pelajar menjadi pemimpin. Ada pelbagai jawatan dalam persatuan seperti pengerusi, setiausaha, bendahari, ahli jawatankuasa dan ahli biasa. Apabila pelajar memegang sesuatu jawatan maka kita akan belajar menjadi ketua dan menguruskan aktiviti persatuan. Ahli biasa juga boleh belajar daripada kawan-kawan yang ada jawatan. Oleh hal yang demikian, dengan menyertai aktiviti kokurikulum, pelajar akan belajar menjadi pemimpin.

     Di samping itu, dengan menyertai kegiatan kokurikulum juga kita dapat membentuk disiplin diri. Disiplin sangat penting untuk mencapai kejayaan. Pelajar yang tidak berdisiplin susah untuk berjaya. Contohnya, kita akan dilatih menepati masa, berpakaian kemas dan mematuhi peraturan sama ada peraturan perkhemahan, bersukan dan sebagainya.

     Akhir sekali, kegiatan kokurikulum akan mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan. Setiap persatuan dan kelab ada banyak ahlinya. Ahli-ahlinya terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum seperti Melayu, Cina, India dan lain-lain. Dalam aktiviti yang dijalankan, semua ahli akan berkumpul. Kita boleh berbincang untuk bertukar-tukar pendapat serta bekerjasama dalam melakukan sesuatu aktiviti. Dengan ini akan mengeratkan hubungan sesamakita.

     Kesimpulannya, terdapat banyak faedah apabila kita menyertai kegiatan kokurikulum. Pihak sekolah hendaklah mengadakan aktiviti yang menarik untuk menggalakkan pelajar menyertainya. Ibu bapa pula hendaklah menggalakkan anak-anak mereka terlibat dengan kegiatan kokurikulum. Oleh itu, kita dapat menghasilkan pelajar yang cemerlang.


Idiomatic expressions

The correct use of idiomatic expressions will earn you merit points when you write your essays.

1 ace
Get an "A" on a test, homework assignment, project, etc.
I heard that Susie aced the test yesterday

2 As easy as a pie
very easy
The test was as easy as a pie.

3 at the eleventh hour
at the last minute; almost too late.
He finished the project at the eleventh hour and he nearly lost his job.

4 all ears
eager to hear what someone has to say.
Tell me about your latest trip overseas. I’m all ears.

5 be broke
be without money.
I need to borrow some money. I am broke.

6 be on the go
be very busy (going from one thing or project to another).
I am very tired. I've been on the go since 5 in the morning.

7 beat
exhausted; very tired
I need a break after this. I'm beat!"

8 beat around the bush
evade an issue; avoid giving a direct answer.
Stop beating around the bush! Just tell me what happened to my car.

9 bite off more than one can chew
take responsibility for more than one can manage.
Mrs Lee finds it difficult to finish all her work. She has bitten off more than she could chew!"

10 blow one's top
become extremely angry.
My father blew his top when he found out I had taken his car without his permission.

11 burn the midnight oil
study/work all night or until very late at night.
Johan is not ready for the test. He will have to burn the midnight oil."

12 call it a day
stop work for the day.
The labourers call it a day after working for five hours on the field.

13 can't make heads or tails of something
can't understand something at all;
find something confusing and illogical.
I cannot make heads or tails of your notes. Were you sleepy during the class?

14 catch one's eye
attract one's attention/interest.
This colourful advertisement caught my eye when I was in the bus.

15 change one's mind
decide to do something different from what had been decided earlier.
David did not go to Australia. He changed his mind when he heard that his mother is ill.

16 cost (someone) an arm and a leg cost a lot;
be very expensive.
This car costs him an arm and a leg. He has to get another job to help pay for it.

17 couch potato
someone who spends too much time watching TV.
You are becoming a couch potato. You need to get out and do some exercise.

18 Don't count your chickens until (before) they hatch (they've hatched) Don't assume that something will happen until it has happened.
I think you should not count your chickens until they’ve hatched. Wait till the boys win the competition this Sunday.

19 drop someone a line
write to someone
Do drop me a line when you have time.

20 drag one's feet delay;
take longer than necessary to do something.
Why are you dragging your feet? You should have finished your homework by now.

21 an eager beaver
a person who is always willing to volunteer or do extra work.
Rahim is an eager beaver. He is the first to volunteer for any job to be done.

22 feel blue
feel sad and depressed.
Rita is feeling blue because she has not heard from her boyfriend for a long time.

23 fire someone
dismiss someone from a job because of poor performance. Lokman might be fired if he continues to be late for work.

24 get it
understand something (often negative).
I don’t get it. Could you please explain it to me again?

25 get on one's nerves
irritate someone; make someone upset.
His constant chatter is getting on my nerves. Please tell him to keep quiet.

26 get out of hand:
become out of control; become badly managed.
The situation is getting out of hand. The relief centre can only hold forty people but we have one hundred people to care for.

27 give someone a hand
i. help someone.

ii. applaud someone
Please give a hand to the poor old lady. She is trying to cross the road.
The gardener has done a wonderful landscaping job. Let’s give him a hand.

28 Hard-headed
have one's hands full stubborn; inflexible; unwilling to change.
It’s pretty difficult to get Simon to change his mind. He is hard-headed.

29 have one's hands full
extremely busy
Peggy usually has her hands full in the beginning of a new school term.

30 in the black:
profitable; not showing a financial loss.
The company is back in the black after suffering from great losses the last two months.

31 in the red:
unprofitable; showing a financial loss.
The company is in the red. We have to stop some of the workers if the situation continues.

32 keep an eye on
check something regularly.
Please keep an eye on the children while I go to the bank.

33 keep one's fingers crossed
hope for the best.
He is keeping his fingers crossed while waiting for the results of his interview.

34 lend someone a hand
help someone.
Can you please lend a hand at the relief centre for the flood victims?

35 live from hand to mouth
survive on very little money; have only enough money
to pay for basic needs.
Ros and the children live from hand to mouth after the fire destroyed their house.

36 make a mountain out of a molehill
make something seem much more important than it really is.
Susila is making a mountain out of a molehill. I am sure the boys are perfectly capable of looking after themselves.

37 make up one's mind
decide what to do
Moses has to make up his mind whether to continue his studies or take up a job.

38 on the dot exactly at a given time.
If you do not come on the dot, we will leave without you.

39 (on the) cutting edge
using the most recent technology
This car boasts of having a cutting edge technology. It has a computer and tracking system.

40 pull someone's leg tease someone by trying to make her/him believe something that's untrue.
She pulled my leg when he said that he had quit his job to get married.

41 Rain or shine
no matter what the weather
"We're leaving for Cameron Highlands, rain or shine."

42 rain cats and dogs
Rain heavily
It’s raining cats and dogs now. You better leave later.

43 read someone's mind:
know what someone is thinking.
I can read your mind. I know you are very hungry and I have ordered pizza.

44 rub someone the wrong way
irritate someone
I cannot stand Robert. He seems to rub me the wrong way every time we discuss something.

45 sleep on it take some time to think about something before making a decision.
You should sleep on it first and we will discuss again tomorrow.

46 To make his own bed; now let him lie in it.
Someone has caused his/her own problems; he/she will have to solve them himself/herself.
He insisted that he should take up the project alone. So, he has made his own bed, let him lie in it.

47 under the weather
ill; unwell.
Susan was feeling under the weather yesterday, so she decided not to go to work."

48 until you're blue in the face
You can advise him until you're blue in the face, but he won’t change his ways.

49 wet behind the ears inexperienced and naive.
I do not think Suresh is suitable for this project. He is still wet behind the ears, having only joined us last month.

50 wishy-washy:
without an opinion of one's own.
You better check with the other members. John can be wishy-washy at times.


Apart from the common words such as nice and beautiful, there are other words which you can use to describe a place or scene.

Marvellous time
Terrific place
Exciting activities
Breathtaking beach
Magnificent buildings
Fascinating sunset
Spectacular view
Picturesque beach
Delightful play
Inspiring show
Thrilling performance
Panoramic view
Captivating sight
Relaxing room
Lively town
Vibrant people
Delicious food
Mouth-watering desserts

Unpleasant day
Dull show
Nerve-wrecking journey
Awful time
Dreadful room
Depressing scene
Disappointing show
Miserable time
Frustrating weather
Upsetting news
Tiring event
Crowded room
Chaotic roads
Deserted town
Crammed room
Feel discontented
Boring film

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SPM English Essay - My Best Pal

Close friendships are hard to come by these days. In an ever-changing world with people striving to achieve their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your true friends are. Fortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender age of seven. We were both enrolled at the same school and were at wits’ ends as we searched tirelessly for our designated classes.

Samantha and I got acquainted as both of us were in the same class and sat next to each other. Samantha was a happy-go-lucky girl who always managed to breathe fresh air into the sometimes arid classroom. She always knew what to say and would voice them at the best possible moments. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness. There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and expressions.

Samantha was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a businessman and her mother owned and ran a boutique. Both her parents were very caring towards her as she, just like I, was the only child of the family. Samantha came to school each day with a perpetual smile. She was a very nice person to be around with. She and I used to go everywhere together and both of us were rarely seen apart. We used to talk about so many things as we walked, thoroughly enjoying our time together.

One day, I went to school and forgot to ask my parents for lunch money. At first, I was not hungry and thought I could bear going without a meal but soon, my stomach began to growl. Without asking, Samantha generously paid for my meal and drinks during recess. The incident revealed to me how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate friend.

As time went on, people started teasing us as we were spending more and more time together. We seemed to know what each other thought and we cared for each other deeply. Was I in love with her? I did not know then and we both knew we were too young for all that emotional roller coaster.

Currently, Samantha and I are studying at different schools. It was hard to be apart at first, but technology in the form of instant messaging and e-mails have helped to bridge the gap in our friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will never end as it would be equivalent to waking up from a beautiful dream.

Written by, Manu Menon (2007)

SPM English Essay - Describe an afternoon at the bus station

It was two o’clock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with Mohan after Mrs Wong’s extra class. The sun was beating mercilessly on my back and I could feel my sweat trickling down my spine. I have often wished that my mother would allow me to ride a motorcycle to school. She says that I am not ready but we both know that she is terrified that a car would knock me down.

When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful of boys. Mohan and I strode to a bench near the stationmaster’s office. I could feel the tension on my shoulders as the straps of my school bag ate into my shoulder. “Where is the bus?” I sighed to myself. An elderly woman came and asked me where I was going. She started a conversation but gave up after my monosyllable answers.

Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved into the station. I got up, thankful for the chance to escape from the woman. . It was Mohan’s bus. The group of boys were jostling each other to get into the bus. “Masuk! Masuk!” shouted the conductor but nobody seemed to be moving. The black fumes made me nauseous. All of a sudden, people started appearing from all directions to board their bus. In no time, the passengers were packed like sardines in the bus. It started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers behind. I waved at Mohan when I noticed him dangling on the steps of the bus. The bus swerved out of the station again. It left another trail of black smoke.

I decided to go to Panjang’s ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed my parched throat as I sipped slowly, all the while keeping an eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus heading towards the station. I paid for my drinks. “See you tomorrow,” I waved to Panjang.

Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly woman was being shoved around by the boys. She started hitting them with her umbrella. Then, I saw Raja, my classmate at the back of the bus. I hurled my bag through the window and he caught it. By the time I got into the bus, it had already started moving. I got into my seat and told myself that I must really try to convince my mother about the motorcycle again.

(415 words)
(SPM Essential English, Pearson by Jenny Tan)

SPM English Essay - SPEECH : Tak Nak Campaign


Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As President of the Health Club of your school, you decide to give a speech on the ‘Tak nak Campaign’ recently launched by the government. 
Tak Nak Campaign 
               A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and students. 

            Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an anti-smoking campaign called “Tak Nak”. You can now see this short and rhyming catch phrase “Tak Nak” everywhere – on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I even hear it on the radio. Though some people have criticised our government for setting aside a staggering sum of RM100 million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to promote smoking. 

            But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily from this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite the warning on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally “Smoking is dangerous to your health”. 

            What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising creates media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd, that smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is not cool to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with second-hand smoke. 

            Also, there is a succession of infomercials on TV and in the papers showing the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and gruesome statistics of smoke-related deaths. We are now familiar with the graphic pictures of damaged lungs on billboards which should scare people into not smoking. This works, as I know some of my friends are quitting now, or trying to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke per week. 

            However, I feel any anti-smoking campaign is more effective if other people and organisations are actively involved too. Yes, the first step has been taken by the top, but sad to say, many of our politicians smoke themselves. Nearer to home, so do some of our parents and teachers. 

            These adults have to be good role models by not smoking themselves. If they do smoke, they should tell their children and students that they regret that they ever started, and then take steps to quit smoking as soon as possible. They must practise what they preach. 

On a more positive note, I commend the Malaysia Amateur Athletic Union for its zero-tolerance of smoking because they know that smoking and health just do not mix. How can our sportsmen excel if they cannot stop smoking. 

Dear teachers and students, thank you for your attention. Let me end my speech by reiterating that smoking is a bad habit, so make Tak Nak your mantra. If you have started smoking, say Tak Nak and quit! And if you haven’t started smoking, say know that smoking not only damages your health but you are also literally burning your money. 
502 words 



Your friend in Singapore has written to you to inform you that his cousin in Penang was down with dengue fever. He would like to know the situation in Malaysia as he plans to bring his family over for the holidays in June. Write a letter to brief him about the current situation. 
In your letter, include the following: 
  • express concern over the health of your friend’s cousin 
  • news about the situation 
  • steps taken authorities 
  • present situation 
Do remember to: 
  • use the informal letter format 
  • use all the points given 
  • expand each of the points given 
  • write in paragraph 
No. 34, Street of Fame, 
Taman Bukit Bintang, 
Bukit Bintang, 
67500 Ipoh, 
14 January 2011 
Dear John, 
            How are you? I’m sorry to hear that your cousin had dengue fever. This problem seems to have become very serious all of sudden. We always feel that the problem is not our concern until someone close to us is affected. 

            My neighbour’s daughter who was in Standard 6 last year could not sit for UPSR examination because she was down with dengue fever on the eve of the exam. Fortunately, the authorities gave her an exemption so she is now in Form One. There were also a few students taking the examination in the hospital. 

            According to the news, students made up nearly 30 per cent of the 1 500 suspected cases over the first three weeks of the year. About 53 per cent of 621 confirmed cases last year comprised children and youth under the age of 24. These statistics are quite worrying. This has prompted the health ministry to increase checks on aedes breeding grounds in school and public areas. The construction sites are largely to blamed. The problem is made worse by the rainy season. The stagnating water attract the mosquitoes to lay egg and breeding on the areas. 

            The authorities have taken various steps to control the situation. Fogging has been carried out in many public areas and most of the housing estates. Contractors at the construction sites have been instructed to take appropriate actions and warned to clean up. They could be fined up to RM 3 000 for breeding aedes mosquitoes. Lot of campaigns through the television, radio and newspapers were taken to make people aware of the issue and take precaution rather than cure them. 

            Before the long holidays for the Chinese New Year, schools all over Malaysia carried out a clean-up campaign of the school compound. The residents’ association in my housing are also organised a family day clean-up of the housing estate. There were huge piles of rubbish especially old tyres and containers littered by the hawkers near the might market site. 

            The situation in Malaysia has improved since the end of January. There have been no reports of new cases of dengue. So, don’t worry. You can bring your family for a holiday here in June. I’m looking forward to seeing them again. 

            Send my regard to your mom and dad. Do take care. 
Yours sincerely, 
Harun Din 
387 words 

SPM English Essay - FORMAL LETTER: Letter of Complaint


DIRECTED: FORMAL LETTER: Letter of Complaint 
Raju a/l Lingam, 
123 A, Lorong Bahagia, 
Taman Sentosa, 
07231 Bandar Baru Sentol, 
The President, 
Bandar Baru Sentol Council, 
Kompleks Utama, 
07200 Bandar Baru Sentol                                                                             16 JUNE 2011 
Dear Sir, 
Uncollected Rubbish and Clogged Drains 
I am writing this letter is to attract your attention to the above title. As the representative of the community, I am calling to tell you that the 300 odd residents living in Taman Sentosa are extremely unhappy about the lackadaisical attitude of the local town council towards the uncollected rubbish and clogged drains in our area. 
2.         The rubbish in our area has not been collected for more than a week. The rubbish is supposed to be collected on alternate days but this has not been the case. The town council workers collect the rubbish according to their own whims and fancies. The uncollected garbage has attracted not only flies and mosquitoes but also wild dogs which had attacked the residents on several occasions. These stray animals also scatter the rubbish and make the roads dirty and smelly. As a result, residents have to bear the discomfort of stench from the garbage and risk their health. 
3.         We are also disappointed with the town council workers for not clearing the clogged drains which are filled with rubbish. The drains would usually overflow when there is heavy rain and the rubbish would then flow into the compounds of our houses. Besides, putting up with the unbearable stench emitted from them, the residents have to spend hours cleaning their compounds of rotten vegetables, food leftovers and other rubbish. 
4.         Due to dengue outbreak recently, we are really concerned about the residents’ health especially the children. Fogging service also was not done accordingly to the schedule. The fogging authority only did their job whenever a case of dengue aroused. They even fogging the neighbourhood late at night that caused us to leave the residents. They need to consider the residents who have babies and also to those who need to wake up early in the morning for work. The fogging also caused the people to have breathing problem when we were not told the exact time of fogging. 
5.         We have made numerous appeals to the Municipal Council to look into our complaints but to no avail. We have been putting up with this predicament for more than a week. We hope the health authorities would do something to check these health hazards. 
Thank you. 
Yours faithfully, 
380 words